Monday, September 2, 2013

An Unexpected Blessing

Do you ever start out your day thinking it is going to be just a normal day and then by the end of the day have something unexpected happen that was a surprise and a blessing for your or your family?  I had that happen a couple of weeks ago.

It was actually after our overnight camping trip we took before school started.  We were there Thursday night and went to the waterfalls on Friday, but there was a church in town that was having a singing Friday night that we wanted to be back for.  Now, I've had my moments of not being happy about having to attend a church function or two, but I'm pretty sure I haven't ever felt that way about anything having to do with singing.  I'm a dork, I get it.  Hubby and the girls are the same as me though, we all love to sing.  So we were all looking forward to going to the singing. 

We made it home with just enough time to shower and eat some dinner and then we headed out.  I know this will be a shocker for you, but I don't actually love going in to a situation where I don't know people.  It's always awkward meeting new people and knowing what to say and when to stop talking and try to find a seat that hopefully isn't a pew that a family has been sitting in for 10 generations.  But we found a pew that looked relatively unlived in.  Translation: there were no worn personal Bibles, toys, books or papers on the pew.

The singing started right at 7 and we sang for two hours straight.  Let me say again, our family loves to sing.  But by the time we had sung for two hours we were ready to be done!  At the very least we needed some water! 

That is the point that I met the lady and her husband and their boys that had been sitting behind us.  Not only had I enjoyed their singing, I had gathered that he was also a preacher.  We chatted for a little bit and then went to check on our respective children who just happened to be sitting together.  So we chatted some more and it turns out that we have a lot in common.  Preacher's wife with young children who homeschools.  Awesome!  But you want to know when I knew I had found someone who was bound to be a friend?  When she said that she was glad to have met me because she was always looking for other families with girls for perspective mates for her boys.  Yep--this lady speaks my language! 

And that was my unexpected blessing for the day.  I don't know how often we'll get to see this new family, they live about 2 hours away, but even if we don't see each other a lot I made a new friend that night.  One whom I have a lot in common and liked within just a few minutes of talking with her.  And that is a true blessing!

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