Friday, August 30, 2013

Daddy of Girls

I wanted to share a conversation Hubby and I had this morning so y'all can get a glimpse as to why I love this husband of mine so much.

As Hubby was getting ready to go mow our lawn I told him he ought to take #1 and start teaching her how to mow the lawn.  I never grew up mowing our lawn when I was a kid, but then I had four brothers as well.  Now, I'm all for the "traditional" roles of men and women when it comes to what the Bible says our roles should be, but as for "the men should take out the trash and mow the lawn while the woman cooks and does laundry" mentality, neither hubby or I think that way.  Not that I'm not happy to have him mow the lawn while I do the laundry, but we do it because that's what we've decided works best, not because anyone else thinks that's how we should do things. 

So imagine my surprise when Hubby answers me by saying that he doesn't need his girls to mow the lawn for him.  I laughed and told him that even if he didn't need the help it would probably be a good life skill for them to have. 

At which point he comes back into the room he had just left to put his shoes on and told me that if his daughters have husbands who won't mow their own lawn then they (he and said husbands) were going to have problems. 

I laughed again and said that I was talking more about if our girls were ever out on their own and had their own lawn to mow.  To which he raised his eyebrows and said that that is when they would call their Daddy to come mow the lawn for them. 

That, ladies and gentlemen, is a Daddy of girls in a nutshell.  And now I'm off to eat dinner cooked by Hubby and #2.  He mows and cooks!  I'm proud that he's all mine!

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