So this is going to be a little shorter since I'm at my brother-in-law's house with no laptop. Hubby's tablet is better than my phone, but it still takes way too long to type anything!
This week was a short school week since we left yesterday to come up to Arkansas. So what does a short week look like for us? Not much different than a normal week really. I did language arts with both the older girls and didn't do any IEW since I knew three days wasn't going to be enough time to get an entire lesson done. I don't plan out our school year on more than a weekly basis so I can change stuff up like that without having to go back and change our entire schedule. Since we don't ever know what our travel plans are when I plan our school year, not planning specific lessons to be done on certain weeks means we can be flexible in our schedule. So when I plan our start and stop dates I just plan for the amount of time I know we'll probably take off and go from there. Much more freeing!
See, we do work! |
As for life outside of school, on Monday I did my monthly, "there are a deals at 5 different stores that I want to get to, therefore we are going to hit all 5 stores in a single afternoon because having to go out for errands more than once a week is unacceptable" bit, and so we were out all afternoon on Monday. The girls all do really well on these trips, for which I'm thankful! And I'm teaching my girls how to shop smart--just another bonus!
The big event of the week was on Tuesday when our washer finally bit the dust. We've been having issues with it for a couple of months that have just steadily gotten worse. It finally quit completely. Unfortunately, it had a full load of laundry and a tub full of water that wouldn't drain. So I ended up wringing out the clothes by hand to put them in the dryer. Since I couldn't get them very dry I had to do three loads in the dryer so I wouldn't burn out the dryer as well. Hubby took care of the water left in the washer and checked it out to see if there was something obviously wrong to be fixed. There wasn't. We decided that since it was 14 years old that we would be better off getting a new one than trying to get this one fixed. So I spent several hours online researching washers. I have to say, it really kills me to buy something this big without it being on sale! We looked at a couple of dent and ding places, but didn't find any that I wanted. So when we get home we're heading to Sears to get a new washer. Thankfully, a man at church has a truck and is willing to help Hubby get it home so we won't have to pay to get it delivered. And praise the Lord, for the first time in several years we have money in savings that we can use for this purchase! I have to give a shout out again for Dave Ramsey's envelope system--it works!
We were early, so obviously we stopped for ice cream! |
Now we're in Arkansas and Hubby starts a meeting tonight. The trip yesterday was actually a nice drive and we're enjoying spending time with Hubby's brother. And Hubby is excited about eating at Hardees/Carl's Jr. for lunch! After the meeting we're going by my brother's place and picking up our half of the pig he raised and butchered. I'm looking forward to finding lots of new recipes for pork! |
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