Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up, Week 6ish

We actually only did school work for 2 days this week, but it was still week 6 so here we go!

We enjoyed the rest of our weekend with Hubby's brother.  We love the people at the congregation we were at and so that was also fun seeing all of them again.  And Arkansas is beautiful so we enjoyed being in the "country" and seeing the beauty of God's creation.

Sunday afternoon after a lunch and early afternoon service we got packed up and headed to my brother's which we will call The Farm from now on.  I have too many brothers to try to explain which one they are every time I mention them.  The brother and sis-in-law on The Farm are the ones with a daughter that is 6 months younger than #4.  Anyway, my brother raised and butchered a pig that we helped pay for some of the costs so we had a bunch of pork waiting for us there.  I thought it would take us longer to get to their place so we arrived in enough time to go to their evening services.  We weren't planning on attending church again so we were all in our travel clothes, but I think God knew our hearts.  We enjoyed seeing our family, even if it was only for a few hours.  I continue to be thankful that we are close enough to my brother and his family that we are comfortable crashing at their place any time.

Monday morning we headed home.  Once we were home and got the car unpacked we immediately piled back in the car to go shopping for a new washer.  I had done the research and knew which one I wanted, but I wanted to look at it first and make sure.  It was everything I thought it would be so we went ahead and bought it.  I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I wasn't prepared for it to take several days for the washer to come in.  Regardless, it didn't come in until Thursday.  Hubby got it all hooked up and I started washing clothes immediately.  Two weeks without doing laundry meant we were all getting low on the pants we had left to wear!  Ha!
Out with the old

In with the new
Tuesday was a cloudy, rainy day and I did not want to do school at all!  But I pushed through and we got everything done.  Since I knew that we were only doing school work for two days I didn't attempt IEW and just did language arts with the older two again.  We started in the middle of the IEW book with #2 this year so I think I'm going to start back up with #1 on her IEW book next week even though that makes about 4 weeks between papers for #2.  She has less to get through than #1.  I continue to be impressed with #1 and #2 and how they are getting their independent work done.  They are still getting done by Wednesday with everything usually.  #2 is more apt to stop working about an hour before lunch, but she sits down in the afternoon to finish what she needs to get done.  And now that we're 6 weeks in, they have taken several tests and proven that they are retaining the knowledge of what they are working on by themselves.  Very proud of them!  #3 seems to having a problem grasping the concept of reading to herself.  She is so used to reading to me that when I mention reading on her own she looks like she doesn't understand what I'm asking!  We're starting the Book-It program next month though and I'm hoping that will prompt her to read on her own since I won't be letting her count the books that she reads to me.  Mainly so that she'll have to read on her own!
Random sculpture outside of Stennis Space Center
Thursday we went on a field trip--our first one since May.  We had a lot of fun.  So much so that I'll have an entire post just about the trip!  And #3 lost another tooth.  I don't know how many she's lost.  Hubby tried to convince her that she only got 50 cents for her tooth since she's lost so many, but she was having none of that.  $1 it is!

Today was spent shopping and cleaning.  We're having about 35 people from church over here tomorrow for a Mystery Dinner.  More about that next time.  I don't want to give anything away!  Right now we're getting ready for family movie night.  Dessert is this--caramel covered chex.  It is really good!

Hope you all have a blessed weekend!

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