When I was blogging several years ago I kind off knew in the back of my mind that it wasn't a good idea to post your children's names online. I have a cousin who has done a lot of research on internet safety and he believes very strongly that you should never post your child's name online, even on things like social networks. Since he's done the research I'm going to err on the side of caution and not use the girls' names. I know other bloggers use cute nick-names for their kids, but honestly, I have 4 girls and I don't think you would be able to keep track of which one is which anyway. So they will henceforth be known as Baby Girl #1, #2, #3, and #4. That way at least you'll be able to figure out where in the line up they fall when I talk about them.
Baby Girl #1 |
Baby Girl #1 is 10. She has such a sweet spirit. Very tenderhearted. The type of child that you can give an irritated look to and she'll break down in tears. Sometimes it is a struggle for me to know how to deal with her because I was/am so not that way. She loves to read. That she definitely got from me! At any given time she could be reading 4 different books. Math is not her friend. She loves to help in the kitchen and is just waiting until I tell her she can cook or bake on her own. Her gentle spirit makes her seem a little shy, but she actually loves teasing people. She is learning the art of sarcasm well. I'm enjoying her being a bit more grown up.
Baby Girl #2 |
Baby Girl #2 is 8. She is 17 1/2 months younger than #1. I have to remind myself that she is actually younger sometimes because she constantly wants to do everything her older sister does. Of all my girls, this one is definitely mini-me. She gives me a look sometimes and I know exactly what she is thinking because it is "my" look! She loves to read too, likes math, has a great imagination and is pretty bossy. She would rather bribe her sisters to do her chores for her than do it herself. That's been taken care of, but if she could get away with it she totally would. She has the best laugh and the biggest smile.
Baby Girl #3 |
Yeah, that mischievous grin exactly captures her personality. Baby Girl #3 loves to laugh and have fun. She is bundle of energy, usually running to get somewhere instead of walking. She can be a bit hard headed, especially when it comes to not wanting to eat all of her food, but usually she is pretty easy going. She is 5, but wants to do everything her big sisters do. One of her chores is putting trash bags back in the trash cans when they have been emptied. I've never seen a child be so serious about a chore. She waits anxiously for #2 to empty the trash cans and then very seriously makes sure that the bags are back in perfectly and the trashcans in the exact spot they should be. I love it! She just started school this year. She was really excited at first, but now that she realizes it is more than coloring pictures all day she isn't as enthusiastic. But she still has a good attitude about it and she is excited to be learning to read for sure!
Baby Girl #4 |
Cutie--right? Yeah, she's also the biggest stinker! She is 2 1/2 and she is the most stubborn out of all the girls, but she is also the most loving. I've never been the type of Mom to not discipline my child just because they smile at me or cry because they are sorry, but there have been a few times I've wanted to with her. She can give the cutest smile when she is in trouble! She also knows how to manipulate those around her. I can't tell you how many times I've heard her tell her sisters, "Mommy said!" when I in fact said no such thing! She has always been a terrible sleeper. She still comes in at some point each night and gets in bed with us. That'll change once the potty training is finished, but for right now I'm OK with waking up each morning to that grin!
So those are my girls! Each one different and I love each one more than I ever knew was possible! Our life is never boring with these minions running around! And I wouldn't change a thing!
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