Friday, October 12, 2012

Family Movie Night!

We tried to start the tradition of every Friday being Family Movie Night before we moved, but somehow we, and by we I mean Hubby and I, were always so exhausted that it usually didn't happen.  Fridays were supposed to be Hubby's day off, but he usually had to work at least a little.  And the girls and I were in a homeschool performing arts co-op that that left me so drained I wanted to go to bed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

However, since moving to BR we've had family movie night every Friday night so far.  I believe this is due largely to the fact that we aren't involved in anything else yet.  No homeschool groups or co-ops, no friends to get together with, not really having anywhere to go.  Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  All of the girls love watching a movie together, although that may be more because of the popcorn than all of us being together.  But Hubby and I do enjoy us all being together and enjoying something as a family.  And as we get settled more here and join groups and find friends, I think that we'll have finally established the routine of Family Movie Night so that it is a tradition that will stick for years!  Tonight its Dr. Dolittle--old school!  What are you doing with your family tonight?

Doctor Dolittle

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