Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Ever feel like your life just isn't exciting enough for other people to care about reading?  That's how I feel right about now.  But I do want to give a little bit of background for those of you who don't know us or those of you who don't know all about us!  And I keep reminding myself that I like to read about other people who are "normal" more than I do people who are famous, so here goes!

I'm 30. I can finally say that without adding a big "UGH" behind it.  I've dreaded turning 30 since I was 25.  But then it happened and I found out that it wasn't so bad.  Although with everything that has been going on lately I haven't had time to color my hair and I have more than one gray hair showing.  That really freaks me out!  Hubby says I earned everyone of them.  I say they need to stay in their place--hidden under a beautiful brunette color! 

I'm a stay at home mom because I choose to be.  I knew from the time I was in high school that I would stay home and raise my children instead of working outside of the home.  I never went to college because I saw no reason to rack up a bunch of student loan debt when I didn't intend to use a degree.  That's not to say that I'll never work.  I'm looking forward to finding something to do that I'm passionate about once my children are grown.  But for now, my most important job is raising my children.  The pay stinks, but the benefits are amazing!

I'm also a homeschool teacher to my four girls.  Our reasons for homeschooling grow every year and I'm sure I'll have to more to say about it in a separate post.  For now I'll just say that I did not envision myself homeschooling.  And I'm not the type of mom who just enjoys having her children surrounds her all day, every day, forever and ever without end, but I believe with my whole being that God has called my husband and I to homeschool.  It is wonderful and frustrating and heart wrenching and peaceful just about every day.  Plus a lot more adjectives that I'll spare you having to read.  I'm not a perfect teacher, but I think I do a pretty good job most days!

I'm the  wife of a preacher.  We've been in the full time ministry for almost 10 years, at four different congregations in four different states.  I'm not going to lie, its rough being in the ministry.  There are some things that most people understand that are difficult and some things that only those who have been in the full time ministry can appreciate.  But there are also benefits.  The biggest one is being able to watch my husband do something that he is really good at and feels called to do. For the most part the good out-weighs the bad.

I'm aware that everything I've written about are things that I "do", not who I "am".  I know a lot of people would try to tell me that I need to find an identity outside of being a wife and a mother.  I even understand where they are coming from.  But I don't need a job or a title or accolades so that other people can see how important I am. I know who I am. I know my hopes and dreams and fears and imperfections.  My identity right now is a wife and mother, because that is what I have been called to do.   And there is nothing better than knowing you are following God's path for your life!

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