Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Help in our weakness"

Last night I found out some information about the real estate agent who our house is listed with.  For those who don't know, we moved to BR without being able to sell our house where we lived before.  So we're making a mortgage payment and a rent payment.  It has been difficult to say the least.  I struggle with worry and fear and downright despair pretty much every day.  But I had pretty much gotten to a place where I was OK with whatever God had in store for us in regards to the house.  Even if we go another 6 months and end up having to let it go I think I would have been ok with that.  Never what we planned, but we know we can only make double payments for so long.

But last night I found out via the agent's wife's facebook post that they are moving and our agent is going to another company.  We hadn't heard anything from him.  So we're pretty sure that now a complete stranger who we have never met will be taking over the selling of our house.  It pretty much knocked me into a tailspin. After getting the kids in bed and going to bed myself I just let myself cry.  I couldn't form coherent thoughts.  I was just sad and scared and tired of it all.  After I calmed down a little I tried to pray, but I still couldn't seem to put into words what I was feeling.  Then this scripture came to mind:

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."  Romans 8:26

I am so thankful to have a Father who loves me and the gift of the Spirit who intercedes for me when I don't know what to pray for.  This morning I have a much better outlook on it.  Who knows but that this new agent won't be able to do something for us that our old one couldn't and we sell the house soon.  Whatever God's plan is, I know it will only bless us in the end. 

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