I was laying in bed last night before going to sleep and I started thinking about dinner for tonight. I knew I was going to end up putting the pork chops on the George Forman grill.
Thinking about the George Forman brought a memory of my Grandma cooking steaks on the one she had. She loved busting that thing out while we were there and she was so proud of the fact that she could make a good steak in just a few minutes.
For a heartbeat that memory made me smile. And then I actually had to remind myself that I would never see my Grandma cooking anything over a George Forman again. Remembering all over that I would never see her in a kitchen again felt like an actual physical blow. Like someone had done a roundhouse kick to my chest.
I have found myself lately skirting away from thinking about Grandma at all. Like if I start to think about her I'll make myself think of something else. Is that why out of the blue a random memory of her hurt so much? Is it better to think of her as often as I can and grieve more often or to skirt the memories until one comes that I can't ignore and get all the grief out at once? I don't know the right answer. I wish I didn't have to know.
And once again, as much as I miss Grandma and hurt from the loss, I know that my pain is so much less compared to those who have lost a sibling, a parent, a spouse or a child. I am reminded again that although people who have lost loved ones may seem OK on the outside, they still need my prayers. Because if it hurts as much for me to think about my Grandma, how much more does it hurt for them?
There are a lot of families who, at first glance, seem to have it all together. It's hard to remember when you see these families that they have their own issues and struggles they have to deal with behind closed doors, just like you do. I want people to know when they look at our family that we are far from perfect. These are stories about our triumphs, our failures, the joys and the tears as we strive to walk in step with God each day.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Snaggle Tooth
I don't care who you are, a snaggle toothed kid is funny looking! Cute, but funny looking! #3 finally yanked her tooth out yesterday afternoon. It's been loose for about a week, but she takes her cues from her big sisters and will not let Daddy touch her teeth to try to pull them out. So we've just gone along with the gap between her teeth getting bigger and bigger. She was very excited when it finally came out though, and wasn't fazed a bit with all the blood.
Her other top tooth is just about ready to come out too. In fact, she can make it lay almost completely sideways. She informed me today that she looks like Nanny McPhee before the kids learn to obey her. And she did--it was hilarious!
But it'll be even funnier when that second one does come out. Nothing cuter than a 6 year old missing two front teeth!
Her other top tooth is just about ready to come out too. In fact, she can make it lay almost completely sideways. She informed me today that she looks like Nanny McPhee before the kids learn to obey her. And she did--it was hilarious!
But it'll be even funnier when that second one does come out. Nothing cuter than a 6 year old missing two front teeth!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The big homeschool conference
It has been several years since I was able to attend a homeschool conference. There were always two big ones every summer in Houston, but we were out of town for both the last couple of years. Before that I was helping man a booth for our performing arts co-op and didn't get to attend any of the sessions.
I remember the very first conference I went to. #1 had finished 1st grade and I was looking at having a Kindergartener and a second grader the next year. I went over the schedule over and over and finally picked out which sessions I wanted to go to. Hubby and I even went to a couple of different ones because I wanted the info they were giving at both of them. We were exhausted by the time the two days were over. We had so much information overload that we couldn't even talk about homeschooling for several days. I wouldn't recommend doing that for anyone going to a conference, whether you've been homeschooling for years or are a newbie. Pick just a couple a day that you really want to go to and order CD's from all the other sessions! It'll make the conference a much more enjoyable time!
I also bought my first, and last impulse buy on curriculum at that conference. I went to a session by a woman who had written the curriculum and was so impressed by what she had to say that I bought the language arts curriculum, spending $200 on it. This was half of my budget for my entire year of supplies and curriculum, but I felt like it would be worth it and Hubby supported my decision. I ended up hating it, the girls hated it and I went back to what I had originally planned for us to use within just a couple of months. And I'm still trying to get it sold to someone! I have never done that again!
Fast forward several years. I consider myself a seasoned homeschooler now. I don't feel the need to go to a conference every year, but since I hadn't been to one in a while and we are new to this area and don't know everything going on in the homeschool community I decided I wanted to go ahead and go. It was only a 30 minute drive from our house and the speakers they were going to have there were getting a lot of rave reviews.
I have to say though, that I was very disappointed. Maybe I'm a tad picky when it comes to public speaking, but I didn't really enjoy the main speakers all that much. Hubby and I both agreed that they appeared to be used to giving inspiration speeches instead of giving practical advice to homeschool families.
I was also disappointed in the number of vendors they had. At the conferences in Houston there would be over 100 vendors. We only had about 15. I was used to being able to walk in and purchase almost all of my curriculum there instead of having to order it online. The only thing I purchased at the conference was book that I've been wanting to buy for a couple of years that they had on sale.
We ended up not going back for any of the sessions on Saturday. I took the oldest two with me to hear the Choir and Orchestra of homeschool kids they had performing in the afternoon, but it wasn't really worth the trip. Again, I know I'm biased when it comes to music, and I know they did fairly well for having kids from across the state come together and perform music after just a couple of days, but it wasn't outstanding.
Having said all that, I still recommend that anyone who is considering homeschooling or has been homeschooling and never gone to a conference to go to at least one. I know it isn't for everyone. There is a lot of information floating around at these places and it can get very overwhelming. But, with the exception of this year, I have always benefited from going. I walk away with a greater sense of purpose as to why we homeschool. I feel rejuvenated to keep going and continue despite the rough patches or failures I experienced this past year. And I always hear new ideas of how to do certain things or get organized that I would not have come up with on my own. There is also something to be said for being surrounded by like-minded people. No one at a homeschool conference is going to look at you funny because you are homeschooling or ask you if you are doing it because you hate teachers or are religious fanatics. Everyone there is just as weird as you are--and it feels fantastic! And for the new homeschooler I can almost guarantee that after going to a conference you will solidify your decision to either homeschool or not homeschool.
Next year I will probably volunteer at the conference here just to be able to be surrounded by like-minded people for two days. I can get the boost from seeing so many homeschooling families in one place without having to worry about making it to all of the sessions. Who knows, I might even get to help with the choir and orchestra! And I will seriously consider making the drive and staying the night with friends to be able to go back to the conference in Houston!
I remember the very first conference I went to. #1 had finished 1st grade and I was looking at having a Kindergartener and a second grader the next year. I went over the schedule over and over and finally picked out which sessions I wanted to go to. Hubby and I even went to a couple of different ones because I wanted the info they were giving at both of them. We were exhausted by the time the two days were over. We had so much information overload that we couldn't even talk about homeschooling for several days. I wouldn't recommend doing that for anyone going to a conference, whether you've been homeschooling for years or are a newbie. Pick just a couple a day that you really want to go to and order CD's from all the other sessions! It'll make the conference a much more enjoyable time!
I also bought my first, and last impulse buy on curriculum at that conference. I went to a session by a woman who had written the curriculum and was so impressed by what she had to say that I bought the language arts curriculum, spending $200 on it. This was half of my budget for my entire year of supplies and curriculum, but I felt like it would be worth it and Hubby supported my decision. I ended up hating it, the girls hated it and I went back to what I had originally planned for us to use within just a couple of months. And I'm still trying to get it sold to someone! I have never done that again!
Fast forward several years. I consider myself a seasoned homeschooler now. I don't feel the need to go to a conference every year, but since I hadn't been to one in a while and we are new to this area and don't know everything going on in the homeschool community I decided I wanted to go ahead and go. It was only a 30 minute drive from our house and the speakers they were going to have there were getting a lot of rave reviews.
I have to say though, that I was very disappointed. Maybe I'm a tad picky when it comes to public speaking, but I didn't really enjoy the main speakers all that much. Hubby and I both agreed that they appeared to be used to giving inspiration speeches instead of giving practical advice to homeschool families.
I was also disappointed in the number of vendors they had. At the conferences in Houston there would be over 100 vendors. We only had about 15. I was used to being able to walk in and purchase almost all of my curriculum there instead of having to order it online. The only thing I purchased at the conference was book that I've been wanting to buy for a couple of years that they had on sale.
We ended up not going back for any of the sessions on Saturday. I took the oldest two with me to hear the Choir and Orchestra of homeschool kids they had performing in the afternoon, but it wasn't really worth the trip. Again, I know I'm biased when it comes to music, and I know they did fairly well for having kids from across the state come together and perform music after just a couple of days, but it wasn't outstanding.
Having said all that, I still recommend that anyone who is considering homeschooling or has been homeschooling and never gone to a conference to go to at least one. I know it isn't for everyone. There is a lot of information floating around at these places and it can get very overwhelming. But, with the exception of this year, I have always benefited from going. I walk away with a greater sense of purpose as to why we homeschool. I feel rejuvenated to keep going and continue despite the rough patches or failures I experienced this past year. And I always hear new ideas of how to do certain things or get organized that I would not have come up with on my own. There is also something to be said for being surrounded by like-minded people. No one at a homeschool conference is going to look at you funny because you are homeschooling or ask you if you are doing it because you hate teachers or are religious fanatics. Everyone there is just as weird as you are--and it feels fantastic! And for the new homeschooler I can almost guarantee that after going to a conference you will solidify your decision to either homeschool or not homeschool.
Next year I will probably volunteer at the conference here just to be able to be surrounded by like-minded people for two days. I can get the boost from seeing so many homeschooling families in one place without having to worry about making it to all of the sessions. Who knows, I might even get to help with the choir and orchestra! And I will seriously consider making the drive and staying the night with friends to be able to go back to the conference in Houston!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
So many strawberries!
We love to go strawberry picking! Mainly because we love eating them so much, but also because it is something out of the normal that we don't get to do more than a couple times a year. One of the homeschool groups we joined had a field trip to a strawberry patch, but you had to pay $7 per child and it didn't seem like you got many strawberries. So when one of the other groups put a group together and you only had to pay $8 for each gallon bucket--and that price was for however many you could fit in there--I jumped at the chance. We were supposed to go before our trip up to see my family, but we were rained out. Which is why we were there this past Tuesday.
I had looked at the GPS before we left so I knew about how long it was going to take to get there. We left later than I planned, thanks to the fact that our car has officially bit the dust. Which means that when I need the Suburban we have to drop Hubby off at the church before leaving and then pray nothing comes up that he needs to go anywhere! We were still going to get there on time though. I took it as a good sign that I started seeing signs for a strawberry farm along the route we were driving. I didn't look at the name of the farm. After all, how many strawberry farms could possibly be along this one country road?
The answer is two. I know this because we visited both of them on Tuesday. I don't know about you, but when I can physically see my "destination" I stop paying attention to the GPS. Which is why I turned in to the first strawberry farm I saw. We saw a bunch of kids picking strawberries. I knew there was going to be over 100 homeschoolers so I took this as a good sign. I thought it was slightly odd that they were already out in the field since we were 10 minutes early, but it was my first time meeting up with this group, so I figured they just did things differently.
We parked, walked through a field of mud, and joined the crowd of people. At which point I noticed that most of said people were actually small people. As in pre-schoolers. I am aware that homeschool outings almost always include the entire family, not just certain ages of kids, but it isn't usual for there to only be little kids running around. I finally asked someone who looked like they were in charge where the homeschool group was. She looked at me weird and asked if I was at the right farm. I told her I was pretty sure I was, again, thinking how many farms could there be. She asked me for the name of the group again, looked around, and informed me that she was pretty sure I was at the wrong place. I start panicking a little wondering how I could have possibly been so wrong with the directions. At which point she FINALLY informs me that there is another farm across the street. I could have used that information 5 minutes ago, but whatever. She didn't appear too happy to have to tell me about the other farm. There is probably a strong rivalry going when you have two strawberry farms on the same road.
So we trek back across the muddy field and attempt to drive out amidst all the little munchkins running around. I pull out of the wrong farm and immediately see a sign pointing across the street to the correct farm. I did not see this large sign at all the first time I was on the road. We pulled in and I noticed the large group of adults and children of all ages. I also noticed their shirts which actually read "Bayou Cajun Homeschoolers." Yep, we were in the right place! Technically late, but still 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the people who showed up.
Needless to say, we had a great time. Because they don't use any pesticides on their fruit we were able to eat as many strawberries as we wanted while we picked. This worked awesome for #4. I was able to pick strawberries to keep and every time she wanted to help I would let her pick one and eat it. This kept her from caring that she wasn't actually putting any in the basket. Don't judge me! If you love trying to get little hands to carefully pick a berry and put it softly in a bucket instead of smushing it into a sticky mess, more power to you! Me--I was just glad we were all able to walk away happy!
I had looked at the GPS before we left so I knew about how long it was going to take to get there. We left later than I planned, thanks to the fact that our car has officially bit the dust. Which means that when I need the Suburban we have to drop Hubby off at the church before leaving and then pray nothing comes up that he needs to go anywhere! We were still going to get there on time though. I took it as a good sign that I started seeing signs for a strawberry farm along the route we were driving. I didn't look at the name of the farm. After all, how many strawberry farms could possibly be along this one country road?
The answer is two. I know this because we visited both of them on Tuesday. I don't know about you, but when I can physically see my "destination" I stop paying attention to the GPS. Which is why I turned in to the first strawberry farm I saw. We saw a bunch of kids picking strawberries. I knew there was going to be over 100 homeschoolers so I took this as a good sign. I thought it was slightly odd that they were already out in the field since we were 10 minutes early, but it was my first time meeting up with this group, so I figured they just did things differently.
We parked, walked through a field of mud, and joined the crowd of people. At which point I noticed that most of said people were actually small people. As in pre-schoolers. I am aware that homeschool outings almost always include the entire family, not just certain ages of kids, but it isn't usual for there to only be little kids running around. I finally asked someone who looked like they were in charge where the homeschool group was. She looked at me weird and asked if I was at the right farm. I told her I was pretty sure I was, again, thinking how many farms could there be. She asked me for the name of the group again, looked around, and informed me that she was pretty sure I was at the wrong place. I start panicking a little wondering how I could have possibly been so wrong with the directions. At which point she FINALLY informs me that there is another farm across the street. I could have used that information 5 minutes ago, but whatever. She didn't appear too happy to have to tell me about the other farm. There is probably a strong rivalry going when you have two strawberry farms on the same road.
So we trek back across the muddy field and attempt to drive out amidst all the little munchkins running around. I pull out of the wrong farm and immediately see a sign pointing across the street to the correct farm. I did not see this large sign at all the first time I was on the road. We pulled in and I noticed the large group of adults and children of all ages. I also noticed their shirts which actually read "Bayou Cajun Homeschoolers." Yep, we were in the right place! Technically late, but still 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the people who showed up.
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Number #2 decided to pick on her own |
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Fruits of our labor! Get it--"fruits" :-) |
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There is some angle food cake under those strawberries! |
Monday, April 15, 2013
Quick Trips and Field Trips
A few months ago I was desperately searching for field trips for us to go on so that my girls could branch out and find some more kids to get to know. This week I actually had to cancel one that we were planning on going to. And as the summer draws nearer and we finalize our trips I am realizing that we really don't have a lot of free days available. And by that I mean there are not a lot of days that I will plan anything on. When I over-schedule everything seems to fall apart, so I tend to be selective about what we plan for our family.
Having said that, these last couple of weeks have been jam-packed with activities. All of which we have enjoyed, although I like looking at the next couple of weeks and seeing a lot of open space on my calendar!
First was a used curriculum sale I went to. It was with a new homeschool group which is always a little awkward meeting new people, but I survived. Actually, I scored #3's math for next year at a third of the cost of what I would have paid new. I also sold enough to cover that cost. All in all, a successful outing.
Then I was finally able to get my massage that Hubby got me for my birthday. I always forget how much I love massages. So let me state this--I LOVE massages! She asked if I wanted a deep tissue or just a relaxation massage. I told her I had four children who I stayed home with on a daily basis. I was going to need some pain to get my back and shoulders back to feeling normal! She did an amazing job! I oohed and ahhed so much Hubby bought himself a Groupon to go get one for himself. I feel a little jipped about that, but I'm letting it slide!
We watched our friends' girls while they went on a date. Always fun times having 7 girls together!
Yesterday Hubby and I had our date. We went and saw the new GI Joe movie. Big flop! We're sticking to movies we know are going to be good from now on. Movie theaters are too expensive to waste on a bad movie! But we enjoyed the time we got to spend together, nevertheless.
And now we're gearing up for the next two weeks. Hubby and I are starting a two week diet that involves eating no carbs. I will miss them! We also have a homeschool conference this weekend we're attending. It's been a few years since we've been able to attend one, so I am really looking forward to it. I wouldn't say Hubby is looking forward to it, but he is supporting me in my desire to attend. As usual, he reminds me how blessed I am to be married to him!
May is shaping up to be busy, busy, busy and then summer, as always, involves much travel. So we're going to take some time to take a breath and get organized before that happens! God is good, all the time!
Having said that, these last couple of weeks have been jam-packed with activities. All of which we have enjoyed, although I like looking at the next couple of weeks and seeing a lot of open space on my calendar!
First was a used curriculum sale I went to. It was with a new homeschool group which is always a little awkward meeting new people, but I survived. Actually, I scored #3's math for next year at a third of the cost of what I would have paid new. I also sold enough to cover that cost. All in all, a successful outing.
Then I was finally able to get my massage that Hubby got me for my birthday. I always forget how much I love massages. So let me state this--I LOVE massages! She asked if I wanted a deep tissue or just a relaxation massage. I told her I had four children who I stayed home with on a daily basis. I was going to need some pain to get my back and shoulders back to feeling normal! She did an amazing job! I oohed and ahhed so much Hubby bought himself a Groupon to go get one for himself. I feel a little jipped about that, but I'm letting it slide!
We watched our friends' girls while they went on a date. Always fun times having 7 girls together!
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One of the girls didn't believe we had crayons! Ha! |
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Safety First |
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#1 |
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It was a little hard for #2 to hold, so she gets a stand |
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Not too shabby! |
And now we're gearing up for the next two weeks. Hubby and I are starting a two week diet that involves eating no carbs. I will miss them! We also have a homeschool conference this weekend we're attending. It's been a few years since we've been able to attend one, so I am really looking forward to it. I wouldn't say Hubby is looking forward to it, but he is supporting me in my desire to attend. As usual, he reminds me how blessed I am to be married to him!
May is shaping up to be busy, busy, busy and then summer, as always, involves much travel. So we're going to take some time to take a breath and get organized before that happens! God is good, all the time!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Failures and Successes
Normally Thursdays are our library days. I make sure we finish with school before lunch and then we head out as soon as we get lunch cleaned up. That way I can get the books I need for #3's school for the next week and everyone trades out their books from the week before. I would say on average we check out between 50 and 75 books every week. Thank goodness the oldest three have their own library cards or we wouldn't be able to check all the books out that we want!
This week was a little different. Our suburban broke down last weekend and threw off our plans to go to the library so we had to wait until Tuesday to go. We were very excited because we got to go to the brand new library that is only about a mile from our house. We've been looking forward to it for a while, but I was really disappointed. Everything is new and it is certainly beautiful, but their selection of books is so small. And their children's section is probably 1/3 the size of the one at the library we've been going to. The girls didn't seem to have a problem finding anything though. And fortunately all the libraries here are connected so I can look for the books I need for #3 online and have them send them to the new library. I feel a little bad about requesting 20 books (some were for #1), but since they didn't have a single one I needed I have no choice! Hopefully it won't take too long for the selection of books to expand.
So since we had just gone to the library on Tuesday we didn't need to go again on Thursday which left me with an entire afternoon where I didn't have anything planned. So I decided to try a couple of new recipes I had bought ingredients for.
First up was homemade fruit snacks. I've been wanting to make these for a while because 3 of the girls love them. I would probably spend $30 a month just on fruit snacks if I bought them as many as they wanted. Since they have zero nutritional value and don't fill them up at all I rarely buy them. But when I saw the recipe that only involved jello, gelatin and water I decided to try it out. I couldn't find any molds to use so I ended up just putting them in a pan and cutting them into small squares. I thought they turned out pretty good and the girls all approved. It was actually very easy to make. I'll be making them again, although I might try sugar free jello next time.
I also attempted to make banana chips. We had a couple of bananas that were starting to turn. Not one person in this house likes bananas if they have any spots on them so instead of just tossing them I decided to try drying out the bananas in the oven. The recipe I found said to just dip them in lemon juice and put them in the oven for four hours on 200 degrees. I think I might have sliced the bananas too thin. Whatever I did, they turned out awful! The good thing was that I hadn't bought anything extra so I didn't feel too bad about the fail. Other than the pan being a pain to clean!
Lastly I made some energy/granola bars. These turned out awesome! The only problem was that I only had old fashioned oats instead of instant oats so the bars aren't staying together very well. I'm glad these turned out well. We spend more of our grocery budget on snacks than I would like to. Which is why I tried these in the first place--trying to make something the girls would like that would replace some of their snacks they eat in the afternoons. They were a hit with everyone so I'll be making them again.
So 2 out of 3 tries isn't too bad. I won't mention how two of the new dinners I tried this past week were major flops. They weren't complete disasters because the girls liked them, but I didn't, so they go down as a flop in my book. Considering how many new recipes I've tried since we've moved I guess I'm lucky I haven't had more failures. As long as I have more successes than failures I'll consider myself to be ahead!
This week was a little different. Our suburban broke down last weekend and threw off our plans to go to the library so we had to wait until Tuesday to go. We were very excited because we got to go to the brand new library that is only about a mile from our house. We've been looking forward to it for a while, but I was really disappointed. Everything is new and it is certainly beautiful, but their selection of books is so small. And their children's section is probably 1/3 the size of the one at the library we've been going to. The girls didn't seem to have a problem finding anything though. And fortunately all the libraries here are connected so I can look for the books I need for #3 online and have them send them to the new library. I feel a little bad about requesting 20 books (some were for #1), but since they didn't have a single one I needed I have no choice! Hopefully it won't take too long for the selection of books to expand.
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This is how we check out a new library |
First up was homemade fruit snacks. I've been wanting to make these for a while because 3 of the girls love them. I would probably spend $30 a month just on fruit snacks if I bought them as many as they wanted. Since they have zero nutritional value and don't fill them up at all I rarely buy them. But when I saw the recipe that only involved jello, gelatin and water I decided to try it out. I couldn't find any molds to use so I ended up just putting them in a pan and cutting them into small squares. I thought they turned out pretty good and the girls all approved. It was actually very easy to make. I'll be making them again, although I might try sugar free jello next time.
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I pulled that thing out of the pan in one piece! |
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Going in the oven |
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Fail! Makes me laugh just looking at it! |
Lastly I made some energy/granola bars. These turned out awesome! The only problem was that I only had old fashioned oats instead of instant oats so the bars aren't staying together very well. I'm glad these turned out well. We spend more of our grocery budget on snacks than I would like to. Which is why I tried these in the first place--trying to make something the girls would like that would replace some of their snacks they eat in the afternoons. They were a hit with everyone so I'll be making them again.
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Yummy! |
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