Sunday, April 21, 2013

The big homeschool conference

It has been several years since I was able to attend a homeschool conference.  There were always two big ones every summer in Houston, but we were out of town for both the last couple of years.  Before that I was helping man a booth for our performing arts co-op and didn't get to attend any of the sessions. 

I remember the very first conference I went to.  #1 had finished 1st grade and I was looking at having a Kindergartener and a second grader the next year.  I went over the schedule over and over and finally picked out which sessions I wanted to go to.  Hubby and I even went to a couple of different ones because I wanted the info they were giving at both of them.  We were exhausted by the time the two days were over.  We had so much information overload that we couldn't even talk about homeschooling for several days.  I wouldn't recommend doing that for anyone going to a conference, whether you've been homeschooling for years or are a newbie.  Pick just a couple a day that you really want to go to and order CD's from all the other sessions!  It'll make the conference a much more enjoyable time!

I also bought my first, and last impulse buy on curriculum at that conference.  I went to a session by a woman who had written the curriculum and was so impressed by what she had to say that I bought the language arts curriculum, spending $200 on it.  This was half of my budget for my entire year of supplies and curriculum, but I felt like it would be worth it and Hubby supported my decision.  I ended up hating it, the girls hated it and I went back to what I had originally planned for us to use within just a couple of months.  And I'm still trying to get it sold to someone!  I have never done that again!

Fast forward several years.  I consider myself a seasoned homeschooler now.  I don't feel the need to go to a conference every year, but since I hadn't been to one in a while and we are new to this area and don't know everything going on in the homeschool community I decided I wanted to go ahead and go.  It was only a 30 minute drive from our house and the speakers they were going to have there were getting a lot of rave reviews.

I have to say though, that I was very disappointed.  Maybe I'm a tad picky when it comes to public speaking, but I didn't really enjoy the main speakers all that much.  Hubby and I both agreed that they appeared to be used to giving inspiration speeches instead of giving practical advice to homeschool families. 

I was also disappointed in the number of vendors they had.  At the conferences in Houston there would be over 100 vendors.  We only had about 15.  I was used to being able to walk in and purchase almost all of my curriculum there instead of having to order it online.  The only thing I purchased at the conference was book that I've been wanting to buy for a couple of years that they had on sale. 

We ended up not going back for any of the sessions on Saturday.  I took the oldest two with me to hear the Choir and Orchestra of homeschool kids they had performing in the afternoon, but it wasn't really worth the trip.  Again, I know I'm biased when it comes to music, and I know they did fairly well for having kids from across the state come together and perform music after just a couple of days, but it wasn't outstanding. 

Having said all that, I still recommend that anyone who is considering homeschooling or has been homeschooling and never gone to a conference to go to at least one.  I know it isn't for everyone.  There is a lot of information floating around at these places and it can get very overwhelming.  But, with the exception of this year, I have always benefited from going.  I walk away with a greater sense of purpose as to why we homeschool.  I feel rejuvenated to keep going and continue despite the rough patches or failures I experienced this past year.  And I always hear new ideas of how to do certain things or get organized that I would not have come up with on my own.  There is also something to be said for being surrounded by like-minded people.  No one at a homeschool conference is going to look at you funny because you are homeschooling or ask you if you are doing it because you hate teachers or are religious fanatics.  Everyone there is just as weird as you are--and it feels fantastic!  And for the new homeschooler I can almost guarantee that after going to a conference you will solidify your decision to either homeschool or not homeschool. 

Next year I will probably volunteer at the conference here just to be able to be surrounded by like-minded people for two days.  I can get the boost from seeing so many homeschooling families in one place without having to worry about making it to all of the sessions.  Who knows, I might even get to help with the choir and orchestra!  And I will seriously consider making the drive and staying the night with friends to be able to go back to the conference in Houston! 


  1. I'm glad you got to be with other weirdos. I know how hard it is to spend time with me, the normal one. Let me know if you learned anything good. I always love new ideas.

  2. Ha! I actually posted my favorite thing I heard on Facebook. Suzie Downer said, "The world will eventually discipline your child's behavior, but you are the only one that will discipline their attitude. "

  3. True confession: never been to a conference.


  4. Well, I can't say anything, cause I didn't go to one until I had been homeschooling for a couple of years, but you should go! You're seasoned enough to be able to weed out what wouldn't help! I actually think there is just the THSC one now, but it is huge!
