Hubby and I have always liked going to the movies. We've passed that on to the girls as well. They all love to go just as much as we do. We don't go all that often because it's stinking expensive for 6 people, but we do occasionally splurge and go see a movie with all of us. If it is a movie the older girls have begged to go to but that we weren't really planning on taking them we'll give them the option of using some of their spending money to help pay for their tickets. They haven't said no yet. I like being able to give them that option. It helps offset the cost that Hubby and I are paying so that we get to do it more often, and it also helps the girls see the value of saving up their spending money so they have it available for spur of the moment fun things to do. Win-win!
So that is what we did on Friday. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 is actually funnier than the first one. At least that is what our family thinks! We all had fun watching it. After the movie we made it home just in time for our other date-night family to bring their girls over for us to watch. I try to keep all 7 girls occupied with something like a movie or food while they're all together, but there is always a little bit of time when they just get loud and giggly. When that happens I always miss our game room we had in Houston. The one with doors that shut to block most of the noise. Oh well, at least we always know they are having a good time.
<---Dessert for our date night guests. Caramel Rice Krispies! So good!
Saturday we were invited to a birthday party for some new friends we met through our homeschool group. That was also a lot of fun. I was thinking about it, and I really love the fact that the majority of times, when a homeschool family has something for one of their children that they don't invite just kids that are the age of the one they are celebrating. Usually, entire families are invited. Now, I know this isn't always the case, and I also know that families whose children attend public school probably do this also. However, I can't think of a single time only one of my children have received an invitation to something that the rest of the family wasn't invited as well. I really love that when a homeschool kids knows another homeschool kid they know each other's families as well.
Many kids, many ages! |
After the party we went and dropped our girls off for Hubby and I to have our date night. We went out for dinner and then ran some errands. Exciting stuff, I know. I started to feel guilty that we weren't doing anything else on our one date night a month, but then I realized that we don't always need spectular dates. Are special, romantic dates nice? Sure! But sometimes just being together without four little voices demanding our attention is enough.

And on Monday the girls and I met some friends at a corn maze. This particular corn maze has two homeschool days, one in October and one in November. Next year we'll be going in November. It was still really hot when we went. We still had a good time, but I don't want to have to think about sun screen when we go to a corn maze. Live and learn!
Hot, tired, and DIRTY! |
So that was our full weekend. We got up well before the sun on Tuesday to start our trip up to Oklahoma, but that's a fun story for another time!
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