I don't know about y'all, but I have a pretty amazing extended family. We're not perfect by any standards. Growing up and realizing that all the adults you idolized as a child have their flaws is a hard lesson to learn. But knowing those same adults as an adult myself is such a great gift.
The girls and I were able to go to a family reunion from my Mom's side last weekend. I don't know an exact count, but we probably had around 100 people there at one point. I got to reconnect with cousins I hadn't seen in a long time, laugh with aunts and uncles, and listen to stories from the great-aunts and second cousins. I also got to spend time with 3 siblings and their spouses and my parents, which is always a plus.
And as much fun as I had playing games and laughing and visiting, there were also tears. This was my Grandma's family. It felt wrong to not have her there. During all the pictures we took with the big group picture and then individual families, there was a spot next to my Grandpa that should have been filled by Grandma. And then we all sat and sang songs, something I remember doing at every family reunion. Something that was always Grandma's favorite thing--listening to her family sing. I didn't make it through very many of the songs. But I wasn't the only one crying. Of the 5 siblings that are our oldest generation now, 3 have passed on. We all felt the loss. But the most amazing thing about my family by far, is that we all cling to the hope that we will be able to see our loved ones again some day. Not every family can claim that. And I am so thankful to be a part of one that can!
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