Whew! That about sums up our lives for the past 6 weeks. We have been going almost non-stop, traveling and vacationing and traveling and visiting and traveling and, well, you get the picture. I'm exhausted! But I'm also very happy. Our summers are always like this. Hubby usually has at least one meeting that he does during the summer and the girls and I always travel to different camps and to visit family and whatever else we can cram in to our summer. It gets a little crazy, but I really do enjoy it. In fact, I can't imagine being at home all summer trying to figure out ways to keep my kids entertained.
I won't put all our adventures in one post. Mainly because I'm tired and will be going to bed soon. But I hope to have it all written down over the next week or so. Because school starts in about three weeks which means I only have two more weeks left of doing nothing before I have to start working on a schedule for the coming school year. Yep--I may be super organized, but I can also procrastinate with the best of them! Especially when I have two book series I want to re-read and read the new ones that have come out before school starts! Because I'm also a little bit of a book nerd! Now you know!
So after our family reunion the girls and I went up to stay with my parents for a week. I am thankful once again to have a husband who understands how much it means for me to spend time with my family. He might not be jumping for joy to have his family gone for extended periods of time, but he has never made me feel guilty for being gone either.
And people wonder where #3 gets her cheesy grin from! |
Got to love the train! |

We spent time at Kiddie Land--just because we can. I can't say I grew up coming here because I was 13 when we moved to Duncan, but I did go a few times. My girls love it. I have to limit the number of times they ride the Tilt-A-Whirl. They all love it, but I'm pretty sure they would ride it until they puked.

I also spent a little bit of time helping Mom unpack some of Grandpa's
boxes at his new apartment. We didn't get to spend as much time
unpacking as I would have liked. I hated leaving so much for Mom and
Dad to have to do on their own, but Grandpa seems pretty content to have
a few plates and his computer unpacked, so the rest can come out of
boxes a little slower. Of the few boxes we did get unpacked, we worked
on kitchen ones mostly. I did OK through most of it. Old Tupperware
that I remember Grandma using back when I was really little. Seriously,
like 8 9x13 Pyrex pans. I have no idea where she put them all in her
tiny kitchen! Some of it was hard. Like unpacking the bowl she used to
make her cookies in. I didn't think Mom had the right one when she
pointed it out to me because I remember there being a chip on the top of
the bowl. And then Mom pointed out the exact chip. We had ourselves a
little bit of a cry, and then we kept going. I was sad every time we
left Grandpa alone at the apartment. I realize this is his life now,
but it was still sad. But probably not quite as sad as if I had to see
him at their place in Phoenix.

I cut all the girls hair, by myself. It turned out OK, although a little shorter than I wanted. But it's nice to know that I can do it when the time rolls around again for them to get it trimmed up. Four girls plus the prices they charge to cut hair now equals one broke set of parents!
We also got to meet up with a brother and sis-in-law for dinner and ice cream. Again thankful for their willingness to travel to see us and spend time with us. And to spoil the girls, which they love!

Mom and I also got a little shopping in and and a pedicure. Thanks to my awesome Dad who A) works from home a lot and B) is willing to watch the girls while Mom and I run off for a few hours.
While I wouldn't call it a relaxing week, (I'm sorry I can't call a week relaxing when it involved unpacking boxes) it was still a very enjoyable week. One where we didn't have to go and do anything or be anywhere specific. We could just enjoy being together!
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