Back in March or April Hubby bought a membership for the zoo here in town. We had one for the last several years in Houston and it always paid for itself in just a few trips. Our thought process buying one earlier in the year was that we would go when it was still cooler and could enjoy ourselves a little more. It also helps to go during the week when most kids are in school. That way we miss out on most of the crowds.
Tigers cuddle too! |
Well, we didn't end up going until our school was officially out for the summer. Most of the public schools went one more week so there wasn't a lot of kids running around, but it was definitely hot! We packed our lunch, which turned out to be a necessity since apparently they don't open their concessions until public schools are out for the summer. We found that out when we were all very thirsty at the far end of the park. Unfortunately, this zoo does not have tables or benches or shade for that matter outside of the zoo to eat at. So what else could we do but eat in the car? And we obviously couldn't allow our children to sit in a car that had been sitting in 90 degree heat for several hours without the AC turned on! We might have lingered a bit more over lunch than what we would have if we had been sitting outside!
This is a terrible picture, but you know those birds in the Jungle Book that look like vultures? I always thought they were just normal vultures, but this bird looked exactly like them and it was HUGE! Probably the second largest bird I've seen other than a condor. It has the crooked neck just like in the movie and everything. I stayed there for the longest time just watching it. It was so ugly it was fascinating!
And it wouldn't be a zoo in Louisiana without a gator or 4! |
We did go back in the zoo after lunch to see the second half that we didn't get to before lunch, but it was really warm that day and we were all pretty miserable after just a little bit of time. So we checked out some of the larger animals that were close to the front and then we were ready to call it a day. Amazingly enough, when we were walking back out to leave we just happened to pass the kids area where there was a playground. The younger two girls immediately perked up and wanted to play. The older two even played a little. Momma sat in the shade and drank water!
Just because big, white, loud birds are cool! |
So we ended the day a little earlier than we planned and we didn't get to see the entire zoo, but that is the absolute best part about having a season pass. You can go for a couple of hours and then leave and not feel a bit guilty that you didn't get your money's worth. We'll go back eventually--probably not till about October, but that is still OK. We have several months to go back as often as we want to. And besides, the animals come out more in colder weather, right?
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