We are still down to just two girls, but now we have the littlest two. I was totally prepared for the next two weeks to be more difficult with the little ones instead of the big ones. But so far it hasn't been too bad. Yes, one of the girls is completely dependent on us for everything still. Except for getting her drink in and out of the fridge, she can't do much on her own. And while Baby Girl #3 is doing extremely well learning to read, she is still not able to read real books on her own. Which means that on rainy days like today she needs some major distractions since she can't play outside. Add to that the fact that the big girl's chores have fallen back on my shoulders, I was thinking that I wouldn't have much time to do anything around here.
But I forgot one huge factor. School for a Kindergartener takes MUCH less time than a 3rd grader and 5th grader. I'm talking an hour tops and we're done. Well, at least I'm done with my part. It might take her a little longer to get done with handwriting. But seriously, I had forgotten how quickly I can get done with just #3. It was a nice surprise today to be able to do 6 loads of laundry, an hour trip to Wal-Mart and everything else involved in the day after doing school this morning. So now I'm not worried about not having enough time for everything so much.
The one bad thing out of all of this? I'm not actually going to have much of a break from school. The girls will each have about 4 weeks off because of the trips to the grandparent's and the actual holidays. But since I'm going to be doing school with #3 until the 21st and then taking some math for the older ones to do while we're at my parent's, I'm not going to have many days that I don't have to worry about school at all. Oh well--hubby is going to make sure I have the day off for my birthday. Since this school year was thrown out of whack with the move I'm going to be thankful for the small things!
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