Friday, February 28, 2014

Weekly Wr--Oh, who cares?

I have hit a wall.  You know, the one where I question why I ever wanted to homeschool.  Where neither the girls nor I can seem to keep a good attitude for an entire day.  Where I have a hard time dragging myself out of bed in the morning because I know I have to start teaching as soon as I enter the living room. 

It happens every year.  And apparently it's a pretty common theme with homeschoolers.  The holidays are behind us, the weather isn't nice enough to play outside, and the end of the year isn't close enough to look forward to.  Although, when you think about it in those terms I wonder if teachers at public and private schools feel this way too. 

Whatever it is that causes it, I'm grumpy.  I'm not looking forward to school.  We get through every day by sheer force of will and someone ends up crying at least once a week.  It's bad enough that when I thought about writing about our school week I literally snarled my nose at myself. 

And then I remembered this post from the beginning of the year.  I re-read it.  And I sat and really thought about that memory.  And wonders of wonders, it worked.  Now, I'm not saying that I'm all happy and bubbly and wishing the week wasn't over, but I remember that beautiful moment, surrounded by my lovelies.  And I know deep down that this moment shall pass.  I'll climb over the stupid wall and get past it.  In fact, I had a nice visual.  Jesus at the top of the wall leaning down to give me a hands up.  Hubby right by my side cheering me on.  And the girls sitting on the sidelines, reading a book, every once in a while looking up to give a half-hearted cheer.  Because I may be encouraged, but positive thinking will only take you so far.

So to all the other homeschool Mamas out there who are having a hard time remembering why it's worth it, I feel your pain.  If you want to come over to my house we can sit on the couch with our arms crossed glaring at our beautiful children together.  And then we'll talk about why we chose to homeschool, and eventually we'll remember why we do it.  And it won't help the year move along any quicker, but maybe it'll help us get through each day a little easier!  And then, when we've survived until May, we'll have the most awesome end of school party that has ever happened! 

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