Don't get me wrong, it has been a great semester. Back here when we were just starting school this moment seemed so very far away! There have been ups and some downs, but for the most part we've been on an even keel.
There were a few things I wanted to note about this week. First, #2 had to have an ingrown toenail cut out at the podiatrist office. Mainly because it had been infected for about 3 weeks before Hubby or I actually happened to look down at her foot and saw how bad it had gotten. We worked for about 3 weeks to try to get it taken care of at home, and it would get better for a while, but then she would have to put a shoe on and it would get worse again. So we finally decided to take her to an urgent care hoping they could cut it out for her. They couldn't. So off to the podiatrist we went. Actually, Hubby and #2 went. When I called to make the appointment and the guy told me that the shot to deaden the toe was painful enough that they have had adults screaming in the office I told Hubby that I didn't think I could handle that. So he took her in and said she didn't even shed a tear. In fact, when I talked to her on the phone afterward she told me that they cut her toe off. I asked if she meant her toenail and she was like, "No, Mom. My whole toe." She thinks it is hilarious every time I mention it. And I also want to note that between the two office visits we spent within a few dollars of what we had saved for medical expenses not covered by our major medical. I really think that God shows Hubby and I through moments like that the He cares about us. The costs could have been significantly higher, but God gave us just what we could handle. It is such a blessing to know God cares about every aspect of our lives!
While Hubby was taking #2 to the doctor, I took the other three to a program we put on at a nursing home with our speech and debate group. It was a little crazy, but it was also a blessing for us to be able to interact with the people living there. #4 finally got to get up and sing with her sisters which she thought was really cool.
And as far as school, I actually had the older two take a test for history. I'm not a big believer in tests. I see the need for them when a teacher has 30 students and can't necessarily keep up with where each individual child is with their comprehension of a subject. But that's not an issue for me. I know exactly where my girls are at in each of their subjects. If they don't understand something we don't move on until they get it. I know each homeschool family does it differently, but this is what works best for us. But this time the curriculum had the test built in to it so I figured we might as well try it and see how it goes. And I'm also aware that #1 needs to start taking tests just so she can learn how to take a test. I was pleasantly surprised with how well they both did. They didn't get all the answers right, but considering it covered everything they had learned this year and they didn't get to use notes or the book I thought they did awesome. Their comprehension of what happened, when, and why is greater than I expected. So our first major test was a success. WooHoo!
And so now we're done with school for the next three weeks or so. Hubby picked up my Grandpa at the airport last night and my parents are coming in to town on Saturday so we get to spend Christmas with some family after all. And we're going up to Oklahoma after the first of the year to have Christmas with all of my family. It's going to be a great break! Hopefully when it's time for it to end we'll be ready to start the next semester strong!
There are a lot of families who, at first glance, seem to have it all together. It's hard to remember when you see these families that they have their own issues and struggles they have to deal with behind closed doors, just like you do. I want people to know when they look at our family that we are far from perfect. These are stories about our triumphs, our failures, the joys and the tears as we strive to walk in step with God each day.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
I might be a little excited about the fact that Christmas break is almost here. Just a little bit! Actually the semester has been a really good semester, I'm just ready to have some time off.
Sunday was one of those days where is was cold and rainy and you just want to stay indoors. That didn't happen obviously, but it was a little harder to get out of bed that morning. We were supposed to go with some friends to see a house that gets all decorated for Christmas, but we were rained out. We were also supposed to hang Christmas lights that afternoon. Much to Hubby's lasting sorrow we weren't able to do that either!
Tuesday I hosted the Mom's Christmas Party for our homeschool group. Thankfully the deep cleaning that happened for the church party last Saturday lasted until Tuesday so that we just had to do a surface clean. And I'm very thankful to have older girls that can actually help with the cleaning instead of just making the mess! Because of that I was actually able to hang our Christmas lights myself Tuesday after we got done with school. Hubby would have done it this weekend, but I wanted them up for the party. So I got the ladder out and did it myself. I'm pretty sure I'm going to use that to my advantage when it comes time to take the lights down!
The party was a lot of fun. I enjoyed getting to know the moms a little better and being able to share a time of fellowship with them. I was also thankful again with the home the Lord blessed us with. I love that we can pile a bunch of people in here without it feeling claustrophobic.

Today we went on a field trip to a historical site that hosted a colonial Christmas presentation for us. The kids were able to learn a little bit about what life would have been like for children living in colonial times. We learned about firearms from that time period, had a little bit of taffy to pull, and learned about some Christmas traditions. For instance, did you know that way back when having a wreath on your door meant that travelers could stop and get a cup of something hot to drink and a sandwich to eat? Also poinsettias are poisonous to animals.
Not necessarily something from colonial days, but good to know none the less. Also, "The Night Before Christmas" has been around for a couple hundred years. I had no idea it was that old. The day started off a little chilly. We were thankful for the fire pits they had at some of our stops! It was a really fun field trip.
I also got my Christmas present this week. Yay! I bought my own Christmas gift this year. You know, because Hubby isn't really up on all the latest sewing machines! And I'm not waiting until Christmas because I have stuff to make!
Did I mention that we only have one week left before we have a three week break?
Sunday was one of those days where is was cold and rainy and you just want to stay indoors. That didn't happen obviously, but it was a little harder to get out of bed that morning. We were supposed to go with some friends to see a house that gets all decorated for Christmas, but we were rained out. We were also supposed to hang Christmas lights that afternoon. Much to Hubby's lasting sorrow we weren't able to do that either!
Tuesday I hosted the Mom's Christmas Party for our homeschool group. Thankfully the deep cleaning that happened for the church party last Saturday lasted until Tuesday so that we just had to do a surface clean. And I'm very thankful to have older girls that can actually help with the cleaning instead of just making the mess! Because of that I was actually able to hang our Christmas lights myself Tuesday after we got done with school. Hubby would have done it this weekend, but I wanted them up for the party. So I got the ladder out and did it myself. I'm pretty sure I'm going to use that to my advantage when it comes time to take the lights down!
The party was a lot of fun. I enjoyed getting to know the moms a little better and being able to share a time of fellowship with them. I was also thankful again with the home the Lord blessed us with. I love that we can pile a bunch of people in here without it feeling claustrophobic.

I also got my Christmas present this week. Yay! I bought my own Christmas gift this year. You know, because Hubby isn't really up on all the latest sewing machines! And I'm not waiting until Christmas because I have stuff to make!
Did I mention that we only have one week left before we have a three week break?
Thursday, December 12, 2013
I made a huge mistake that I won't be apologizing for
It is currently 5:30 in the morning. I've been awake since 2. Why? Beats me. But I figure if I'm going to be wide awake I might as well get something done. Since this doesn't involve waking Hubby up to sort and start laundry or banging around in the kitchen and waking the girls up earlier than usual, I'm going with catching up with a couple of posts.
So my huge mistake. I know you're shocked that I make mistakes. But I try to keep it real. This mistake involves #2. The one I've started having problems with slacking off on her independent work. So way back before we took the week off for Thanksgiving I looked at the rest of the IEW book we're working in for #2 and decided that since the grandparents were already in town that we would make that week a little easier and just work through getting a rough draft finished. Then we would come back after Thanksgiving and revise it and write the final draft and then have two weeks to write two more papers and we would end exactly where I wanted to. It was a great plan! Too bad I didn't remember that plan of action when we started the week last week. So for the rest of the story, keep in mind that I thought she was supposed to have written both a rough draft and a final draft before Thanksgiving.
When I opened the IEW book at the beginning of the week I had a passing thought of, "Wait a sec, I thought I had it planned out to where we would be ending at the end of a section, not have a week off at the end." But I was in full-on school mode and didn't think anymore about it. So as we're getting ready to start a brand new lesson I asked #2 if she had put up the final draft from her other paper. She didn't remember if she had so she got out her "work in progress" folder. Which is when we discovered that not only did she not have a final draft (please note that neither one of us actually remembered that there wasn't supposed to be a final draft), but she also had not finished writing her rough draft like she was supposed to. So, slightly in my defense, she didn't finish the work that she was actually supposed to do. The thing is, if I had remembered that she was only supposed to do the rough draft I would have just shrugged it off as a side effect of having family here and we would have gone on with a mild reprimand. That's not the way it went down though.
I am happy to report that I kept my cool through all of this. There was no yelling and I didn't make her cry or anything. But I immediately latched on to the idea that this was going to be an excellent teaching moment for her. We were not going to skip the current week's paper. She was basically going to have to write two papers in one week. I would be working with her on the new paper, but only editing the former paper. So to cut the story down a little bit, she did nothing but school work Monday and Tuesday. It is the first time in the 7 years I've been homeschooling that any of my children have had so much work. Normally I wouldn't even allow that to happen, but I was teaching a lesson so I stuck to my guns. She had to write 2 rough drafts for the old paper. With major editing having to be done on both. By the time Wednesday rolled around and I started reading her "final" draft I was ready to be done teaching that particular lesson and just ignore the mistakes I saw and let her be done. Except that the last half of it had some major mistakes that I knew would not be a good idea to ignore. When I told her that she was going to have to write it again she burst into tears. And I honestly did feel bad for her. She had had no time off that week and I hated that she had to write it again. But I used the moment to really drive home the point that she had brought this on herself by not completing her assignments. That it's not my job just to teach her math and writing, but that my job is to also teach her responsibility. I'm pretty sure I had a good line in the speech about there not being anyone around when she was an adult to hold her hand and make sure she got everything done that she was supposed to, she would have to do that on her own. It was a good speech. And at the end of it I suddenly remembered my brilliant plan from two weeks ago.
So I was faced with a dilemma. Come clean, admit how horribly wrong I was, and apologize profusely to my child who I had made work so hard because I couldn't remember my own plans and undo all the teaching about responsibility that I had instilled so well in her. Or I could continue on faking like I knew exactly what I was doing and leave her with a lesson she isn't likely to forget any time soon.
I chose the latter. Not for myself. I would have willingly 'fessed up to this one. I felt and still feel bad about it. But she really needed the lesson. And I'm not willing to undo everything she learned from this particular episode. I did confess what had happened to Hubby. He agreed with me. And one day I'll tell #2 about it too. But probably not until she is a fully-functioning, responsible adult! Until then the secret is safe here on my little blog. On the internet. Where technically anyone could find it. But since she's 9 and doesn't get online much I think I'll be OK for a couple of years!
On the plus side, we don't have a paper to write next week. We are officially done with IEW after this week for the rest of the year for #2. I think we're both happy about that.
So my huge mistake. I know you're shocked that I make mistakes. But I try to keep it real. This mistake involves #2. The one I've started having problems with slacking off on her independent work. So way back before we took the week off for Thanksgiving I looked at the rest of the IEW book we're working in for #2 and decided that since the grandparents were already in town that we would make that week a little easier and just work through getting a rough draft finished. Then we would come back after Thanksgiving and revise it and write the final draft and then have two weeks to write two more papers and we would end exactly where I wanted to. It was a great plan! Too bad I didn't remember that plan of action when we started the week last week. So for the rest of the story, keep in mind that I thought she was supposed to have written both a rough draft and a final draft before Thanksgiving.
When I opened the IEW book at the beginning of the week I had a passing thought of, "Wait a sec, I thought I had it planned out to where we would be ending at the end of a section, not have a week off at the end." But I was in full-on school mode and didn't think anymore about it. So as we're getting ready to start a brand new lesson I asked #2 if she had put up the final draft from her other paper. She didn't remember if she had so she got out her "work in progress" folder. Which is when we discovered that not only did she not have a final draft (please note that neither one of us actually remembered that there wasn't supposed to be a final draft), but she also had not finished writing her rough draft like she was supposed to. So, slightly in my defense, she didn't finish the work that she was actually supposed to do. The thing is, if I had remembered that she was only supposed to do the rough draft I would have just shrugged it off as a side effect of having family here and we would have gone on with a mild reprimand. That's not the way it went down though.
I am happy to report that I kept my cool through all of this. There was no yelling and I didn't make her cry or anything. But I immediately latched on to the idea that this was going to be an excellent teaching moment for her. We were not going to skip the current week's paper. She was basically going to have to write two papers in one week. I would be working with her on the new paper, but only editing the former paper. So to cut the story down a little bit, she did nothing but school work Monday and Tuesday. It is the first time in the 7 years I've been homeschooling that any of my children have had so much work. Normally I wouldn't even allow that to happen, but I was teaching a lesson so I stuck to my guns. She had to write 2 rough drafts for the old paper. With major editing having to be done on both. By the time Wednesday rolled around and I started reading her "final" draft I was ready to be done teaching that particular lesson and just ignore the mistakes I saw and let her be done. Except that the last half of it had some major mistakes that I knew would not be a good idea to ignore. When I told her that she was going to have to write it again she burst into tears. And I honestly did feel bad for her. She had had no time off that week and I hated that she had to write it again. But I used the moment to really drive home the point that she had brought this on herself by not completing her assignments. That it's not my job just to teach her math and writing, but that my job is to also teach her responsibility. I'm pretty sure I had a good line in the speech about there not being anyone around when she was an adult to hold her hand and make sure she got everything done that she was supposed to, she would have to do that on her own. It was a good speech. And at the end of it I suddenly remembered my brilliant plan from two weeks ago.
So I was faced with a dilemma. Come clean, admit how horribly wrong I was, and apologize profusely to my child who I had made work so hard because I couldn't remember my own plans and undo all the teaching about responsibility that I had instilled so well in her. Or I could continue on faking like I knew exactly what I was doing and leave her with a lesson she isn't likely to forget any time soon.
I chose the latter. Not for myself. I would have willingly 'fessed up to this one. I felt and still feel bad about it. But she really needed the lesson. And I'm not willing to undo everything she learned from this particular episode. I did confess what had happened to Hubby. He agreed with me. And one day I'll tell #2 about it too. But probably not until she is a fully-functioning, responsible adult! Until then the secret is safe here on my little blog. On the internet. Where technically anyone could find it. But since she's 9 and doesn't get online much I think I'll be OK for a couple of years!
On the plus side, we don't have a paper to write next week. We are officially done with IEW after this week for the rest of the year for #2. I think we're both happy about that.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Weekly Wrap-Up: The week I finally realized that I can't just skip school because I want to
Don't get me wrong. I'm still very flexible when it comes to our school schedule. But in years past I've been known to wake up and be like, "Meh, I don't feel like doing school. No school today!" And I really wanted to do that this past week because we were pretty busy, but school with the older two has gotten to the point that if we skip a day that just means more work later on to catch up, and it's not really worth it as much anymore. Don't get too excited though. As I sit here and realize that we still have another two weeks to go before our Christmas break, I'm working hard to figure out what I can push to next semester so that we can finish a day or two earlier. Purely for the girls of course, they deserve the break!
There was a lot of shopping, cleaning, and baking going on last week. Shopping because we got a paycheck and thus the groceries for two weeks needed to be bought. But also the kind of shopping that happened online because IEW had their clearance items 50% off. I didn't get everything I wanted, but I still got some awesome deals. No Christmas shopping though. I've got everything for everyone except Hubby who won't tell me what he actually wants (hint, hint Baby!) and my sister-in-law whose name I drew for my family's Christmas that isn't happening until after the first of the year.
The cleaning and baking were happening because we had our open house for the church here on Saturday. I didn't take a single picture, which I'm really bummed about because I had an awesome spread! We had about 30 people in and out of the house and we enjoyed all of it. I couldn't have done it without Hubby of course. I may make all the food, but he takes the bulk of the cleaning and child care so I don't have to worry about it. And I think while everyone was here he filled more cups with cider and coffee than I did. In retrospect, I could have baked a little less and saved myself some time by having some fruit and veggie trays, but that didn't occur to me until the day of. Maybe I'll remember next year!
We were also able to go to one of the girls' friend's choir performance Friday night. It was very impressive. Exactly the sort of experience I want for my girls. I'm still working towards starting a homeschool choir, but if that doesn't pan out I'm thinking this choir is the one we would pick for the girls to be in. And we enjoyed spending time with our friends as well. So much so that we didn't leave their house until 10. We probably should have left sooner, but we lost track of the time. We were enjoying ourselves!
School wise we're got ourselves on track to finish where we need to at the end of the semester. We were one week behind in history so we shelved geography for the rest of the semester and we're doubling up on history so we can get it done. I gave the girls the option of only adding a couple lessons more for the next three weeks and then having their semester test at the end of a full week or doubling the lessons so they would have the entire last week to study and take the final test. They chose to work harder for the first two weeks so they didn't have to stress about the test. A decision I think they will be very happy with next week!
I also want to say that math finally seems to be clicking with #1. Very rarely does she struggle with understanding her lessons anymore. She still has a hard time with getting all her answers right when she does her lesson set, but that is more from the way Saxon sets up their problem sets to be a review of previous lessons. She knows them all, but switching gears from problem to problem is hard for her. So we focus a lot on reading each problem twice so she knows what she is supposed to do and checking her answer to make sure it makes sense before she writes it down to turn in. When she remembers all that she does very well.
#3 is reading excellently now. She is resisting my prompting to read harder books though
. She likes the nice easy ones she's been on for a while. But this last trip to the library I made her go to the older section and picked out most of her books for her. I still let her get the easy ones, but she also has to read the more difficult ones as well. I love seeing her get a book out and read it without any prompting.
Speaking of the library, all that deep cleaning last week lost us two library books. #4 is getting better about putting the books back in the library bag when she gets them out, but when she "helps" clean there is no telling where she'll put a book. I estimate that we've donated about 5 of our books to the library because I didn't check the ones we were turning in well enough. So hopefully those library books are at the bottom of the toy box. Exactly where they should go according to her!
There was a lot of shopping, cleaning, and baking going on last week. Shopping because we got a paycheck and thus the groceries for two weeks needed to be bought. But also the kind of shopping that happened online because IEW had their clearance items 50% off. I didn't get everything I wanted, but I still got some awesome deals. No Christmas shopping though. I've got everything for everyone except Hubby who won't tell me what he actually wants (hint, hint Baby!) and my sister-in-law whose name I drew for my family's Christmas that isn't happening until after the first of the year.
This is what happens when the 6 year old want to help. Red sugar on the floor. Thankful for tile floors!
The cleaning and baking were happening because we had our open house for the church here on Saturday. I didn't take a single picture, which I'm really bummed about because I had an awesome spread! We had about 30 people in and out of the house and we enjoyed all of it. I couldn't have done it without Hubby of course. I may make all the food, but he takes the bulk of the cleaning and child care so I don't have to worry about it. And I think while everyone was here he filled more cups with cider and coffee than I did. In retrospect, I could have baked a little less and saved myself some time by having some fruit and veggie trays, but that didn't occur to me until the day of. Maybe I'll remember next year!
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One picture of my decorations. Christmas is the only holiday I decorate for so I do it up well! |
School wise we're got ourselves on track to finish where we need to at the end of the semester. We were one week behind in history so we shelved geography for the rest of the semester and we're doubling up on history so we can get it done. I gave the girls the option of only adding a couple lessons more for the next three weeks and then having their semester test at the end of a full week or doubling the lessons so they would have the entire last week to study and take the final test. They chose to work harder for the first two weeks so they didn't have to stress about the test. A decision I think they will be very happy with next week!
I also want to say that math finally seems to be clicking with #1. Very rarely does she struggle with understanding her lessons anymore. She still has a hard time with getting all her answers right when she does her lesson set, but that is more from the way Saxon sets up their problem sets to be a review of previous lessons. She knows them all, but switching gears from problem to problem is hard for her. So we focus a lot on reading each problem twice so she knows what she is supposed to do and checking her answer to make sure it makes sense before she writes it down to turn in. When she remembers all that she does very well.
#3 is reading excellently now. She is resisting my prompting to read harder books though
. She likes the nice easy ones she's been on for a while. But this last trip to the library I made her go to the older section and picked out most of her books for her. I still let her get the easy ones, but she also has to read the more difficult ones as well. I love seeing her get a book out and read it without any prompting.
Speaking of the library, all that deep cleaning last week lost us two library books. #4 is getting better about putting the books back in the library bag when she gets them out, but when she "helps" clean there is no telling where she'll put a book. I estimate that we've donated about 5 of our books to the library because I didn't check the ones we were turning in well enough. So hopefully those library books are at the bottom of the toy box. Exactly where they should go according to her!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Family and Food
I don't know about y'all, but that about sums up our Thanksgiving week! And it was awesome! I'm so happy that we able to be around family for Thanksgiving. It's one of those holidays that we don't usually travel for since we're saving vacation time for Christmas, so I was happy to have family come to us this time!
Hubby's parents, Gran-Jan and Papa, were expecting Hubby's brother and his three kids to come on Tuesday. I didn't know they thought that and I had put it on the calendar that they were coming on Sunday night. Hubby then told me that they had decided to surprise the grandparents and come on Sunday instead of Tuesday. So the event was erased off the calendar and we very carefully explained to the girls that as long as they didn't flat out say that their uncle was coming on Tuesday that they weren't lying. It didn't come up that often, but when it did the girls cleared the room so they wouldn't have to talk about what day the rest of the family was coming in. I thought for a while that Papa had figured it out. He made several comments wondering why they couldn't come earlier in the week. But when they opened our door Sunday night, Gran-Jan and Papa both had looks of shock on their faces. It was awesome!
Unfortunately, Hubby had to work on Monday and Tuesday, but he did take some time to go bowling with us on Tuesday. We weren't going to go bowling. Have you been lately? It is expensive! But being the smart consumer that I am I decided to check their website and see if they had any coupons. You'll never guess what I found! Coupons! We were able to bowl 2 games each plus shoe rental for $7. A very reasonable price. We all had a really good time. We laugh at each other too much for anyone to take the game too seriously!
I had planned for Wednesday to be a stay at home and finish baking and making everything I could for Thursday kind of day. But we ended up buying a pumpkin and pecan pie because I don't have any long standing family recipes for those, and Sam's pies really are good. Then Papa brought home a chocolate pie from the store and I figured between those pies and the pumpkin roll I already had made in the freezer that we would have enough desserts. And I changed my mind about the rolls I wanted to make, so I had nothing left to make on Wednesday. So we spent the day at home just relaxing while Hubby worked.
Thursday Papa made breakfast for us all. I was really happy about that! Way less work for me. And I really didn't have all that much to do for lunch. We bought a fried turkey. There was no way we could even fit a 20 lb turkey in my little oven, much less cook it and anything else. The ham went in my new crock-pot that Papa bought for me due to the lid on my old one cracking like a windshield.
We were blessed with friends from church giving us a cooked sweet potato casserole so I took that off my list of things to make. Gran-Jan handled the stuffing and gravy. Good thing too cause I don't like it at all, much less want to make it! So that pretty much left me with rolls and green bean casserole to make. Yipee for not having to kill myself making a bunch of food! Unfortunately, the one thing I was really looking forward to, my pumpkin roll, was thrown away. Hubby thought it was something else and tossed it, I don't even know how long ago. He felt terrible. I was sad, mainly because I felt like I wasn't really contributing anything noteworthy to the meal, but I got over it. As for Hubby, I'm enjoying bringing it up every once in a while. That will probably continue for at least a year, with the possibility of it becoming a family joke. And if you don't think that is that big of a deal, ask my youngest brother how he likes eggnog creamer. That happened over a decade ago and we bring it up every Christmas!
Friday we decided to go see a movie. Hubby's brother and his kids went to see Catching Fire since they are all older and didn't want to see the Disney movie with the rest of us. We invited friends from church to come see it with us. Silly me thought that since it was Black Friday that there wouldn't be that long of a line for Frozen. Yeah, we got there 30 minutes before the show we wanted to see and it was sold out. Luckily, we didn't have anywhere to be so we just bought tickets for the next show, went and ate some fries at McD's next door and then stood in line for 45 minutes to get good seats. Normally I wouldn't enjoy myself standing in line for a movie, but we were with family and friends so the time passed quickly. By the way, Frozen is officially my new favorite movie! The best part was at the end when they kissed and Baby Girl #4, who was sitting on Hubby's lap said very loud, "But they're not even married!" That's right baby, you just keep on thinking along those lines!
Saturday the brother and his kids had to head home. I heard he made some sort of comment about us not fixing breakfast for them before they left. All I have to say is that I have been a member of his family for over 13 years. He should have known better!
Sunday we enjoyed spending one last day with Gran-Jan and Papa. Lunch was an amazing pork roast that was given to us by friends again. It was such a huge blessing to not have to worry about cooking! I hope I'm able to emulate that kind of thoughtfulness and caring to others. Well, to others besides my whiny brother-in-law! After dinner Hubby took Gran-Jan and Papa to New Orleans to stay at a hotel since their flight left early Monday morning. #1 and #2 had a hard time saying good-bye; they are starting to realize that it is no fun being away from family. But we're thankful for the time that we did get to spend with everyone. I'm not going to lie, having an extra 6 people in the house for a week was stressful at times, but I'm just glad I actually like all 6 of those people. And I would rather be stressed having extra people in our home than be sad because we weren't able to be around any family at all!
Hubby's parents, Gran-Jan and Papa, were expecting Hubby's brother and his three kids to come on Tuesday. I didn't know they thought that and I had put it on the calendar that they were coming on Sunday night. Hubby then told me that they had decided to surprise the grandparents and come on Sunday instead of Tuesday. So the event was erased off the calendar and we very carefully explained to the girls that as long as they didn't flat out say that their uncle was coming on Tuesday that they weren't lying. It didn't come up that often, but when it did the girls cleared the room so they wouldn't have to talk about what day the rest of the family was coming in. I thought for a while that Papa had figured it out. He made several comments wondering why they couldn't come earlier in the week. But when they opened our door Sunday night, Gran-Jan and Papa both had looks of shock on their faces. It was awesome!
Unfortunately, Hubby had to work on Monday and Tuesday, but he did take some time to go bowling with us on Tuesday. We weren't going to go bowling. Have you been lately? It is expensive! But being the smart consumer that I am I decided to check their website and see if they had any coupons. You'll never guess what I found! Coupons! We were able to bowl 2 games each plus shoe rental for $7. A very reasonable price. We all had a really good time. We laugh at each other too much for anyone to take the game too seriously!
I had planned for Wednesday to be a stay at home and finish baking and making everything I could for Thursday kind of day. But we ended up buying a pumpkin and pecan pie because I don't have any long standing family recipes for those, and Sam's pies really are good. Then Papa brought home a chocolate pie from the store and I figured between those pies and the pumpkin roll I already had made in the freezer that we would have enough desserts. And I changed my mind about the rolls I wanted to make, so I had nothing left to make on Wednesday. So we spent the day at home just relaxing while Hubby worked.
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Breakfast! |
We were blessed with friends from church giving us a cooked sweet potato casserole so I took that off my list of things to make. Gran-Jan handled the stuffing and gravy. Good thing too cause I don't like it at all, much less want to make it! So that pretty much left me with rolls and green bean casserole to make. Yipee for not having to kill myself making a bunch of food! Unfortunately, the one thing I was really looking forward to, my pumpkin roll, was thrown away. Hubby thought it was something else and tossed it, I don't even know how long ago. He felt terrible. I was sad, mainly because I felt like I wasn't really contributing anything noteworthy to the meal, but I got over it. As for Hubby, I'm enjoying bringing it up every once in a while. That will probably continue for at least a year, with the possibility of it becoming a family joke. And if you don't think that is that big of a deal, ask my youngest brother how he likes eggnog creamer. That happened over a decade ago and we bring it up every Christmas!
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Thankful for a school table so we had enough seats for everyone! |
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9 kids total |
Sunday we enjoyed spending one last day with Gran-Jan and Papa. Lunch was an amazing pork roast that was given to us by friends again. It was such a huge blessing to not have to worry about cooking! I hope I'm able to emulate that kind of thoughtfulness and caring to others. Well, to others besides my whiny brother-in-law! After dinner Hubby took Gran-Jan and Papa to New Orleans to stay at a hotel since their flight left early Monday morning. #1 and #2 had a hard time saying good-bye; they are starting to realize that it is no fun being away from family. But we're thankful for the time that we did get to spend with everyone. I'm not going to lie, having an extra 6 people in the house for a week was stressful at times, but I'm just glad I actually like all 6 of those people. And I would rather be stressed having extra people in our home than be sad because we weren't able to be around any family at all!
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