I might be a little excited about the fact that Christmas break is almost here. Just a little bit! Actually the semester has been a really good semester, I'm just ready to have some time off.
Sunday was one of those days where is was cold and rainy and you just want to stay indoors. That didn't happen obviously, but it was a little harder to get out of bed that morning. We were supposed to go with some friends to see a house that gets all decorated for Christmas, but we were rained out. We were also supposed to hang Christmas lights that afternoon. Much to Hubby's lasting sorrow we weren't able to do that either!
Tuesday I hosted the Mom's Christmas Party for our homeschool group. Thankfully the deep cleaning that happened for the church party last Saturday lasted until Tuesday so that we just had to do a surface clean. And I'm very thankful to have older girls that can actually help with the cleaning instead of just making the mess! Because of that I was actually able to hang our Christmas lights myself Tuesday after we got done with school. Hubby would have done it this weekend, but I wanted them up for the party. So I got the ladder out and did it myself. I'm pretty sure I'm going to use that to my advantage when it comes time to take the lights down!
The party was a lot of fun. I enjoyed getting to know the moms a little better and being able to share a time of fellowship with them. I was also thankful again with the home the Lord blessed us with. I love that we can pile a bunch of people in here without it feeling claustrophobic.
Today we went on a field trip to a historical site that hosted a colonial Christmas presentation for us. The kids were able to learn a little bit about what life would have been like for children living in colonial times. We learned about firearms from that time period, had a little bit of taffy to pull, and learned about some Christmas traditions. For instance, did you know that way back when having a wreath on your door meant that travelers could stop and get a cup of something hot to drink and a sandwich to eat? Also poinsettias are poisonous to animals.
Not necessarily something from colonial days, but good to know none the less. Also, "The Night Before Christmas" has been around for a couple hundred years. I had no idea it was that old. The day started off a little chilly. We were thankful for the fire pits they had at some of our stops! It was a really fun field trip.
I also got my Christmas present this week. Yay! I bought my own Christmas gift this year. You know, because Hubby isn't really up on all the latest sewing machines! And I'm not waiting until Christmas because I have stuff to make!
Did I mention that we only have one week left before we have a three week break?
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