Saturday, May 4, 2013

The best line ever said by a 6 year old!

#3, who is 6, said the best thing I have ever heard any of my children say today.  I might argue that it is the funniest any 6 year old has ever said, but I might also be a little prejudiced!

I was working on the girls' hair today and #3 grabbed the water bottle and sprayed Hubby in the face with it.  I had just done it a second ago so she thought she would copy me.  Being a good Daddy, he just laughed at her.  Until I was working on her hair and she couldn't see him.  He grabbed the water bottle and proceeded to spray her in the face.  Their conversation follows.  When you read her lines picture a cute, innocent little 6 year old, with curly hair who is missing her two front teeth!

Hubby sprays water...

 #3:     Ahhhh, DADDY!!!!!!

Hubby:   You sprayed me so I get to spray you.  And you can't complain about it.

#3:      Do no repay evil for evil.

Please tell me you're laughing.  Because I couldn't breathe for like 5 minutes because I was laughing so hard.  First of all, I don't think he'll be telling her any time soon that she isn't paying enough attention in church.  Secondly, if that wasn't the answer of a preacher's kid, I don't know what would be! 


  1. Love it! Stephanie about busted a gut laughing so hard.

  2. I knew I could count on my family to enjoy it as much as I did!
