Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Random Going Ons

Baby Girl #4 has slept all night in her own bed for the last two nights.  I'm not getting my hopes up, but maybe it'll become permanent.  I'll let you know how that goes.

Notice I didn't say how restful it has been not having her in the bed with us.  That is because last night I had Baby Girl #3 in bed with me instead.  She came in around 4 burning up with a fever.  Not sure what is going on with her, just that she does this sometimes.  Usually when I haven't made her lay down and take a nap for too many days in a row.  Thankfully, it doesn't appear to be the flu!

For her or Hubby who has also been laying in bed all day with an upset stomach.  He apparently was up for several hours early this morning as well.  I didn't notice.  I've made up for it today by getting him anything he wanted and keeping the girls out of the room.  A feat unto itself.  Anytime Daddy is home they want to be with him.

Baby Girl #2's birthday is less than a week away.  I'm sure if I asked her she could tell me exactly how many hours it is. The child can not make a decision to save her life.  We gave her the option two weeks ago of either going bowling, to Mr. Gatti's Pizza (think Chucke Cheese) or going to the movies.  She has changed her mind no less than 20 times.  She knows that if she hasn't decided before Thursday that we're making the decisions for her.  She'll probably change her mind 10 more times between now and then.

When we lived in Houston I was signed up for with a market research company that I did several focus groups with.  You go in, give your opinion about something, and they pay you for it.  Nothing like that where we are now, but I am still signed up with several companies that do everything online.  I've been involved in a study about bottled water this last week.  I've never drank so much water every day in my entire life!

We're going to California this summer.  Hubby is holding a meeting for a church out there and we're all tagging along.  The 30 hour drive will be no fun, but we are really looking forward to seeing our family and friends out there, as well as going and doing something fun.  Like a vacation, maybe?  I have to keep reminding myself it is still 6 months away.  I want to start making lists already.

My sister is getting married in 2 1/2 weeks.  We've been getting packages almost every day with dresses and shoes for the girls and I.  I've been pinning boards on Pinterest to get ideas for hair for all of us.  I'm going to have to be very aware of the time it takes to get all of us ready.  We're all looking forward to it.

There is an ice cream drumstick in the freezer seriously shouting my name now that the girls are all in bed.  I've been good all day.  I think I will answer the call!

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