Saturday, February 9, 2013


Our church started the reading the Bible through in a year at the first part of the year.  Hubby and I decided that we were going to read in the evening with our girls and go through it with them.  I'm not going to lie, we've missed a few days.  For the most part we get caught up quickly, but there have been a few times that we've just said that we're going to skip ahead to where we should be.  I figure as long as we don't quit we'll be doing good. 

The bad part?  There are some things in the old testament that are a little awkward to talk about with the girls.  And we're not talking about Song of Solomon awkward.  More like explaining what circumcision is.  And why a concubine is different than a wife.  And why that was ok then, but not now.  And why Abraham was married to his sister.  Lovely topics, all of them.  The best was discussing what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah.  We were able to discuss all of it calmly and matter-of-factly, but I'm not going to lie--I wish we didn't have to have those conversations.

But that got me thinking about another subject that we need to start discussing with the girls.  Homosexuality.  One of the big reasons we homeschool is the ability to keep our children innocent and ignorant about a lot of sins for as long as possible.  It has bothered me for many years how the homosexuals are pushing their agenda on our children.  One of my brothers asked me once what I meant by the "homosexual agenda."  To me it is the teaching of our children from a very young age that being a homosexual is completely OK and something someone is born with that they can't do anything about.  As a Christian I see over and over in the Bible where it talks about homosexuality as being a violation of God's Law.  It is not natural nor is it something that we as Christians should tolerate.  Now I'm not saying we should approach homosexuality with hate and fear.  We should approach it just like any other sin.  But when there are children's books for young children about Heather's Two Mommies or My Two Uncles that to me is an agenda to start teaching our children from a very young age that homosexuality is completely normal and that if you don't agree, you are the one that is wrong.

I am very glad that up to this point I haven't had to discuss with my children what homosexuality is.  Not because it would be awkward, but because the knowledge of sin brings the Christian heart sorrow.  I can not teach my children about homosexuality without also teaching them the sorrow that we as Christians have for those who sin.  I would like my children to not have to bear that burden of sorrow for as long as possible.

But a few days ago I had a friend put on FB a book published by Apologetics Press entitled Does God Love Michael's Two Daddies?  It is a children's book addressing the issue of homosexuality.  When I saw it I really started thinking about the fact that our oldest two are probably old enough to start talking to them about this.  It is apparent to me that we can not start teaching our daughters why a sin is wrong in God's eyes without first teaching them what the sin is. 

We'll probably be buying that book soon and having a discussion with our daughters about it in the near future.  And a litttle bit of my children's innocence will be gone when we start discussing sin in the world today.  And they will never be able to get that innocence back.  And that makes me incredibly sad.

Come quickly Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. hey let me know how the book is when you order it. I would have liked to been a fly on the wall during some of those explanations. Sigh. Ug.

