Thursday, March 7, 2013

Baby Girl #3 can ride!

A few weeks ago Baby Girl #3 told us that she was ready to ride her bike without training wheels on.  One of her big gifts for Christmas was getting a new bike.  Unfortunately for her, Momma bought one online thinking I knew the right size she needed.  Turns out the one we got was too small.  I was all for taking it back and exchanging it, but because I had gotten such a good deal when I ordered her first one, we couldn't get another one for her without paying another $50.  Which is quite a bit of money right after Christmas and two birthdays.  So we told her we would hold off until she couldn't ride the little one at all anymore and then we would upgrade. 

I figured she would be using her training wheels for a while.  I don't remember exactly how old #1 and #2 were when we took their training wheels off, but I remember it took them a long time to learn without them.  So when the older two came in and asked if they could take the training wheels off and teach #3 themselves, Hubby and I said yes, smirking to each other, confident that they would be in 5 minutes later disappointed that they weren't able to teach her.

Well, they were in 5 minutes later, but it wasn't in defeat.  They proudly exclaimed that #3 could ride her bike all by herself without training wheels.  Hubby and I were pretty skeptical, but sure enough, when we went out there and watched, #3 got on and got started and took off without any assistance.  I'm pretty sure my jaw was hanging open.  I don't know if she caught on so much quicker because she's been riding more than her sisters got a chance to at our other house or if she is just majorly talented.  Either way, her Daddy and I were suitably impressed.  And also impressed with her older sisters who taught her. 

One other moment of pride in that moment was when Hubby asked how they had gotten the training wheels off in the first place.  I'm sure no other parent has ever done this, but when #1 asked if she could take the training wheels off, Hubby and I were in the middle of a conversation and just said yes without really listening to the question.  So when Hubby asked #1 how she got the wheels off he was very proud when she told him that she got a wrench and figured out how to use it to take the wheels off.  I was even impressed with that. That feeling lasted about 10 seconds.  Because when Hubby asked #1 what kind of wrench it was she replied, "Shiny."  I guess you can't take all the girlishness out at once!

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