I had a little bit of a snit yesterday afternoon. And evening. Yep, I'm 30 and still getting into snits. *Sigh* One day maybe I won't anymore.
See it all started when I sat down at the beginning of the week and realized that we were getting paid on Wednesday and I would be able to go grocery shopping on Thursday. So I spent several hours going through all the new recipes I had found on Pinterest and got very excited about being able to make all these new dishes and try out the new crock pot that I've only been able to use once. It was all very exciting! What can I say, new recipes are fun! And I was excited to try making my own cheez-it like crackers and home made pretzels...I had a very long list y'all!
So I spent a couple hours printing off all the new recipes and putting them in page protectors and getting them in my nifty new recipe binder. I worked through a menu plan for the next two weeks, figuring out what meal would work best on which day and how to spread it out so we didn't have chicken for four days in a row. I also had to figure out what to make for our family night tomorrow night and a princess tea party we're having at our house on Saturday with a bunch of other little girls.
Then yesterday I actually wrote out the grocery list. It took a while. I had all new recipes to get ingredients off of and I was make the list for two weeks worth. I didn't want to have to go back to the store except for fresh stuff. I noticed the list was pretty long. So I decided to go through and estimate what everything was going to cost. I was over budget. Way over budget. Like $150 over budget. Ridiculous! So I'm looking at this list that I just spent hours making, a menu that wasn't going to work and all the work I had done printing out recipes that I now couldn't use. And I got upset.
A little bit of it was disappointment that I wouldn't be able to try out all these new recipes. Some of it was irritation that we're not wealthy enough for me to not have to worry about a grocery budget. Most of it was pure frustration that I had just wasted several hours of my life for absolutely nothing. Hubby tried to help by suggesting that I just take out a few meals and replace them with things that wouldn't cost as much. I tried that on a couple of meals, but that didn't help the overall cost all that much. Then hubby tried talking a little more firmly with me suggesting that my attitude probably wasn't what it was supposed to be. Yeah, I took that real well!
So like I said, I had a real nice snit going on.
This morning hubby woke me up with the information that he had some extra grocery money for me. Enough to cover everything I really wanted to do with the extra stuff cut out. I don't know where in our budget he got the extra from. I don't want to know. I do owe him an apology. Although, in my defense I had already decided to apologize before I got the extra grocery money. And maybe next time I'll learn to just add in a few new recipes instead of 13 new ones. And even better yet, maybe next time I'll remember that I should be thankful for the grocery money we do have instead of pouting like a child.
So I'm not perfect--God is still working on me daily. Thank goodness He won't ever give up on me!
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