Thursday: Easter Egg hunt and picnic with homeschool group.
Saturday: Sold Suburban 3 days before leaving to go to Oklahoma for a week. Bryan took three oldest girls to a Father/Daughter picnic.
Sunday: Mad scramble looking online for a van hoping we can go to a dealership on Monday and buy one before leaving on Tuesday.
Monday: No luck with vans. Thankful a friend let us borrow his vehicle to travel in so we didn't have to rent a van for a week.
Tuesday: Leave at 5 in the morning, drive for 12 hours and make it to parent's house. Girls are excellent travellers.
Wednesday: Start meeting at church.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Food and Family. We had lunch and dinner every day with different members of the congregation. We were so thankful for their hospitality. And so very full! Also saw 3 siblings and their spouses and child. Spending time with family makes my heart happy.
Sunday: Finish meeting, Easter egg hunt, too much candy, family leaves. Find vans at dealership in Texas for a much better price than what we would pay at home.
Monday: Stop at dealership on the way to brother's farm. Make a deal, buy a van, drive two vehicles to farm, get in worst storm we've ever driven in, make it to farm safely.
Tuesday: Head home in two vehicles. Get home at 4:30, leave by 5:15 to drive to New Orleans to visit friend in hospital. Home at 10.
Wednesday: Decide that we are all too exhausted to even contemplate school, go to a late breakfast, get some groceries back in the house and unpack.
Thursday: Friend didn't get to go home from hospital so we went to see them again. Took up most of the day. Dropped in at a used homeschool curriculum fair. Didn't find anything.
Friday: Start of homeschool convention. So thankful I was able to go. Hubby took girls to co-op. Came home with several curriculums I wanted to research.
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New History curriculum for next year. Super excited about it! |
Monday: Finally started school back up. Looked over remaining school work and decided we were on track to finish a week earlier than planned as long as we did school every day for the next 3 weeks.
Tuesday: Decide at the last minute to join some friends at the zoo and skip book work. Because I'm learning to be more flexible and realizing that my girls will remember impromptu trips to the zoo more than the worksheets I make them do.
Wednesday: Laundry and catching up with everything else that needs to get done. Enjoying nice weather and being with my girls. And we'll still finish school a week early!
***You didn't really think it would be less than 200 words, did you?